Monday, August 14, 2006


The conspiracy continues – The Guardian reports today that ‘terror cells’ are mounting training exercises in various national parks in the UK, including here in the Lake District. Apparently groups of up to 20 men are gathering for outdoor training, and are currently being watched by undercover detectives.

How believable is this? I mean to say that I’ve lived here now for three months and if a group of Middle Eastern or Muslim men arrived they would stand out and not go unnoticed. The Asian families that work and run the Chinese restaurants and the take-aways here are already proof enough of that. This is ‘white’ (Christian?) England, believe me. Yes there are some remote areas where you might be able to hide out for a few days but even so, eventually somebody is going to notice 20 inevitably darker-skinned and probably bearded men running around the hills and presumably driving through towns and villages, even stopping for supplies.

Are we to believe the government and the security services? Can we trust their motives? Are they trying to cover their tracks for invading Iraq in the first place and finding nothing more than a sanction-stricken population and soldiers that couldn’t fight and a stupid old man stuck in the ground? And in turn bringing the war to our doorsteps?

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