Monday, July 03, 2006


What I learnt today:

The afternoon is pale for an old man, a limbo;
Brambles are rampant and primeval; they cut you up, make the skin of your arm a palette for their signature;
Times don't change where the military are concerned, only their equipment does;
Experience counts;
A mother's love might just work wonders;
'Great' Britain is a mythological concept;
Sonic attack exists: Palestinian children suffer stress from the sonic booms of Israeli jets flying over Gaza and deliberately breaking the sound barrier - but, also, you can become politicized too young these days;
I am a lucky man - there is no bloodshed on my doorstep;
Thunder is very beautiful;
Jesus is not always your friend;
The Taliban are not a 'spent force' - if you find a 'night letter' pinned to your door in Kandahar you may not see the following dawn;
Why did no-one design those England World Cup flags you see everywhere on cars to fly at half mast? Will no one ever learn?;
Continuum is a great word to describe the rainfall I've witnessed here for over two hours;
Responsibility is a fact of life - why do so many deny it's existence?

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