Wednesday, July 05, 2006


The actors were locked out of themselves. Doors slammed into their paths - backstage and elsewhere. They missed their cues. Perhaps it was the fault of the oncoming storm caught over the mountains and fells nearby? Forked lightning and thunder knocked out the early evening and ranged on into the night. The actors carried on as they so often do whilst about them the lights flickered and the power went down more than once. But in the bar afterwards they found they could no longer speak to each other in the same amiable way that they had only hours before. They eyed each other suspiciously, drank each others drinks without asking, and ignored the anecdotes and tales of past roles. It was a mess. Egos bled out of ear holes and onto the floor, some in floods of tears that dampened the foyer irreparably, others so simply wounded eventually had nothing left to give and became thespian miasma there on the carpet or chose to run out of the theatre and into the tempestuous night never to be seen again!

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